Friday, February 4, 2022

What's Breakfast The Most Important Meal

What's Breakfast The Most Important Meal

Breakfast The Most Important Meal

    Many people consider Breakfast as an important meal. And yes, that is definitely true. Breakfast gives us the energy needed for us to function well the entire day. Furthermore, it also keeps our metabolism high.

    An ideal morning starts with a healthy delectable breakfast. People should consider eating their breakfast a priority so to help them prepare for the activities they will have for the whole day. Eating breakfast promotes energy and vitality, mental and physical alertness, focus and concentration. It even lowers the level of stress and promotes a healthier body weight.

    But despite of these vast benefits one can get, a lot of people still ignore this meal. It’s so easy to miss out on breakfast because of all that’s been going on around us. After all, we have to walk the dog, get the kids ready for school, iron the dress we’re planning on wearing for that day, feed the kids and so on. Fixing a healthy and nutritious breakfast just doesn’t seem to fit in, given the busy lifestyles we have.

    While adults need their breakfast each day so they can perform their best, kids needed it more. But the sad part is, more and more kids nowadays are skipping their breakfast, which can lead to some serious problems.

    When kids ignore breakfast, they end up going for as long as eighteen hours without any food intake, and this phase of starvation can create a lot of physical, intellectual and behavioral problems for them.

    Furthermore, evidence suggests that eating breakfast helps us to easily learn. After fasting all night during the long hours of sleep, a developing body and brain will need that fresh supply of glucose. Glucose is considered as the brain’s basic fuel. Without glucose, our brain simply doesn’t operate as well.

Some kids and adults regularly ignore breakfast for them to save time and have a few more minutes of sleep, but remember that eating a nutritious morning meal regularly will actually help you save enough time for the coming days ahead. By recharging your brain and body, you’ll become more efficient in just about everything you do.

    Studies prove that kids who neglect breakfast are tardy and absent from school more often than those that eat their breakfast meal every day.

    Preparing a hearty breakfast can be as quick and easy as splashing milk to a bowl of cereal. The time invested in eating is far more valuable than the few extra minutes of sleep you favor by bypassing this morning meal.

    Some parents who cannot find time to prepare breakfast for their kids should consider enrolling their children in a school breakfast program if possible, or they can consider preparing breakfast the night before so they and their kids can eat on their way to school or work.

    Choose a high-fiber grain product such as a whole-wheat muffin or toast, a low-fat granola bar or put a handful of a crunchy, high fiber cereal in a zip lock bag. Then add a small piece of fruit or few tablespoons of raisins, for a healthy way to start a day.

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