Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Krestianskiy Zavtrak (Peasant Breakfast) Recipe in 2022


Krestianskiy Zavtrak (Peasant Breakfast) Recipe

Krestianskiy Zavtrak (Peasant Breakfast) Recipe


5 Tbsps of butter (unsalted & sweet); melted

2 c of bread (pumpernickel)

4 ozs of bacon (smoky); chopped

3/4 c of onion; chopped finely

3 c of bratwurst or kielbasa (smoked); cut in to 1/2″ cubes


Black pepper (freshly ground)

8 pcs of eggs (large)

fresh dill (for garnishing); chopped finely


Melt about 4 Tbsps butter using huge skillet on moderate flame. Saute cubes of bread ’til crisp as well as gold-brown in color then transfer bread into bowl and set it aside. Fry bacon using skillet on moderate flame ’til fat is rendered out.

Add onions then saute ’til colored; add kielbasa then continue cooking while stirring ’til kielbasa and onion are browned nicely.

Melt rest of butter using non-stick skillet on moderate flame. Add 1/4 of kielbasa and 1/4 of bread mixtures to skillet.

Drop two eggs in skillet then cook 2 mins while stirring egg whites slowly. When whites nearly set while yolks remain liquid, lower the flame and cover skillet, cooking 1 more minute.

Next, slide hash as well as eggs on plate and repeat process with rest of ingredients, making three serving portions more. Garnish with dill prior to serving.

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