Monday, January 31, 2022

Create Delicious & Healthy Fruit Platter For Breakfast 2022


Create Delicious & Healthy Fruit Platter For Breakfast 2022

Fruit Platter For Breakfast

A good breakfast 

    should include whole grains, some protein and fruits. Experts say that it’s not the quantity of the breakfast meal a person consumed during breakfast that matters, rather the quality. If you include fruit in your breakfast meal, you will surely get a healthier body right away without taking food supplements or vitamins.

Here are some ideas on how to be imaginative when it comes to preparing breakfast that involve fruits:

Slice some strawberries or other fruits, pour a low-fat yogurt over it, then add a spoonful of granola or cereal. Slice some of the most delicious fruits – apples, melons, oranges, berries, bananas, grapes and pears. Use any or all of these fruits to prepare a salad. After that, add a little bit of cream. And that’s it! You already have the perfect healthy breakfast salad.

Spread low-fat cheese to any kind of fruit – apples, citrus or berries.

There are many frozen pancake options available and just put it inside your microwave. Serve it along with some fresh peaches.

Put slices of banana on your toast, or add chunks of apple, berries, or dried fruits to the cereal.

A smoothie is another quick and healthy breakfast option that you may bring with you anywhere, and kids usually like fruit smoothies too. Try preparing this very delicious Banana Breakfast Smoothie:

Ingredients Breakfast:

1 pc banana; peels off and slice it up

1 c of OJ (freshly-squeezed)

1/4 c frozen or fresh berries (strawberries, blackberries and raspberries)

3 tbsps yogurt (plain)


Combine these ingredients and put it on a blender. Blend it until it becomes smooth.

Breakfast is the first meal your kids eat. 

Make it special, and quick, with these charming fruit cups ideal for breakfast.

Ingredients Breakfast:

2 c cantaloupe; cubed

1 pc medium-sized banana; chopped up

2 pcs red apples (big); chopped

1/2 c yogurt (lemon flavor)

1 c green/red grapes

1 tbsp OJ (freshly-squeezed)


Mix all the fruits. Divide the fruits equally into 4 bowls. Mix OJ and yogurt together then drizzle it all over your fruit bowls.

How do you take your bread each morning? Instead of spreading it with usual mounds of butter or numerous slices of cheese, opt for fruit jams instead. It comes in myriad varieties. Choose those more conventional types like apple, orange, lemon, mango, strawberries, and grapes.

Yummy to the eyes, and delicious to eat, Fruit filled Crepes is ideal for breakfast. Just Place slices of fruits on a crepe you prepared and roll up. Top with whipped cream or powdered sugar.

They say that it’s very important to accumulate fiber first thing in the morning so to help keep our body running smoothly throughout the whole day. And what better way to include fiber into your breakfast than eating mounds of fruits. So stock up on fruits and be very creative in preparing this hearty meal so to encourage your kids to eat their breakfast, too.

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